

EPSA Servicios Estratégicos S.A. de C.V. hereinafter EPSA, domiciled at Avenida Insurgentes Sur 1605, 23rd floor, module III, colonia San José Insurgentes, Benito Juárez, Mexico City, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its regulations (hereinafter LFPDPPP), informs you that the personal data provided to EPSA (personal, identification, labor or contact data), are treated confidentially and will be used to comply with the proposals for services or contracts in force or to be signed that you have with EPSA.

EPSA has all the rights to the BrumBee® brand and its products registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property and owns these intangible assets, which are software products that operate under a controlled technological environment.

BrumBee® offers the use of its products through a browser to facilitate the administration of companies from anywhere in the world and the information stored is located within Microsoft Azure servers, for the exclusive use of our platform which can be accessed from

Everything related in this statement includes products, services, websites, applications, software, servers and mobile devices where BrumBee® is used.

We also inform you that at any time you have the right to access, rectify, cancel, update, oppose or revoke your consent regarding the use of your personal data (ARCO Rights), which may be exercised by sending an email to Any request submitted must include your full name, as well as a clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which you are exercising the aforementioned rights, adding your e-mail address to facilitate the location of the personal data in question.

In accordance with the provisions of article 32 of the LFPDPPP, we will communicate to the holder within a maximum period of twenty working days (counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition is received), the determination adopted in order that, if it is appropriate, it becomes effective within fifteen days from the date on which the response is communicated.

The aforementioned terms may be extended only once for an equal period, provided that it is justified by the circumstances of the case.

Also, the personal data that the company collects does not affect the most intimate sphere of the owner, and therefore are not considered sensitive, so that, at the time of being provided by the owner of the same, unless expressly stated otherwise, there is consent for processing and transfer.

EPSA Servicios Estratégicos S.A. de C.V. reserves the right to change, modify or supplement this notice at any time, in which case we will inform you through the website, or through any other means we deem appropriate. This statement takes into account the interactions that you carry out with the different BrumBee® products.

I. User session

Most BrumBee® products use user sessions, which manipulate information temporarily stored in the memory of the different devices you use, to store your browsing preferences and make it easier for us to personalize information or advertising services.

II. Personal data collected

BrumBee® collects personal data through your company through the initial data upload process or through interaction when using our products.
The data collected from you or your company is:

  • A) Personal data. – RFC, CURP, social security number, date of birth, gender, address, cell phone, home phone, emergency contacts and insurance.
  • B) Employment data. – Company in which you work, work area, position, work schedule, date you joined the company and who authorizes leaves and vacations.
  • C) Personal documents. – Defined by your company as contractual documents such as your employment contract, official identification, medical record (IMSS), birth certificate, among others.

III. Our use of your personal information 

Your personal and work information allows you to have a simple experience when using BrumBee® because by being identified from your login, we can customize the sending of notifications via email when:

  • You make password change.
  • You request permissions or vacations from any device.
  • You have been accepted or denied vacation or work permits
  • You have been assigned to participate in customer projects.
  • You request an invoice.
  • You are assigned a consultant to attend a service ticket registered by you.
  • An important document has been shared with you by one of your collaborators.

Likewise, when you request help through BrumBee® customer service, our consultants receive your requests identifying your company, your name and work contact phone numbers as well as your email to contact us and give you personalized and timely attention.

IV. How do we share your personal data?

When we process your personal data, we do so with your or your company’s consent to provide for the licensed use of our products or to fulfill our contractual and security commitments to our customers based on legitimate interests in the operation of our BrumBee® products.

Product improvement. – We use the data to improve our products

our products on an ongoing basis, adding new features and functionality to provide you with a better experience.

Personalization. – Our products include personalization and behavioral role features that improve productivity and security in the management of company information.

Product activation. – We notify you via your email account when your BrumBee® user is activated.

Product development. – We use the data you register in customer service, identifying your needs to increase productivity and develop new products and incorporate them as part of our BrumBee® brand.

Protection and troubleshooting. – We identify information that helps us solve problems in our products, avoiding code injection, unauthorized access, performance and compatibility to increase security levels.

Upgrades. – We develop updates based on the information collected such as geographic location for attendance and punctuality controls, the identification of your device and its capacity, the version of the internet browser and the operating system among others.

Advertising. – BrumBee® does not use the content of your emails and chats to target advertisements to you, we only use information collected from interactions with you when using any of our products.

Business Intelligence. – We analyze the operations in the interaction with our clients with business intelligence in order to generate crucial in order to generate crucial information for decision making.

Copyright and intellectual property protection – We use the information to detect piracy issues, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, enforce contracts with our customers, protect our brand and BrumBee® products.

V. How can you have access to your personal data?

You have access to consult your personal file, where you will be able to see your personal data, contractual data, documents required by your company for hiring, insurance and emergency contacts. If there is any incorrect information, you must notify your company through the human resources area.

VI. Information provided by your organization

The initial information that is loaded in BrumBee® is provided by your organization with your personal and labor data. Subsequently, your organization receives training to manage the human resources processes, such as personnel additions and deletions, allowing them to capture the information and incorporate the digitalized documents that you provided to your company.

VIl. Security of your personal data

We take into account that any user could be connected to public or private access networks, which may or may not have security schemes, so our platform makes use of https security protocols that encrypt the information that is transmitted from any computer to our servers, avoiding that even if the network where you are vulnerable, your data cannot be decrypted during transmission because they are encrypted and only our server can make it visible.

Additionally we have perimeter security (firewall) to prevent unauthorized access to our servers.

VIll. Proccessing and storage of your personal data

Your personal information is processed and stored in a database from the initial upload requested by your company, or by the personnel registration process carried out by your human resources area.

This data can only be updated from BrumBee® by the person who has the privileges, which is usually the person responsible for human resources in your company.

If you stop working for the company that uses BrumBee®, the termination process that takes place changes your information to inactive status, and prevents it from being consulted by you or any collaborator of your company.

BrumBee® handles statistical information such as time spent on customer projects where you have been assigned to collaborate, so this information can be consulted as part of statistical reports or executive dashboards for decision making, even if you no longer work in that company.

IX. Free or trial versions

The implementation process of BrumBee® requires the creation of a trial work environment, which is activated at the time of signing the contract by your company, so if this does not happen, this environment will be deactivated and deleted.

X. Software and mobile devices

BrumBee® has a unique responsive version of its products. This means that it adapts to the configuration of your mobile devices, which allows us to make it easier to use for our customers, avoiding the need to use applications that are installed for cell phones and tablets.

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